A Large Amount of the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the World Comes from Domestic Energy Use.
To reduce our impact on the environment, we must think about the lifestyle changes we can make, using a little technology where necessary. Small changes can make a big difference, so here are our top 10 ways to save energy, helping the environment, along with your pocketbook.
1) Switch off.
Also, turn off taps when you are not using them. While you are brushing your teeth or washing your car, turn off the water until you actually need it for rinsing.
2) Turn it Down

3) Insulate / Draft Proof
Install wall and loft / attic insulation and draft proof your home. Install weather stripping or caulking around doors and windows and fix drafts from doors, windows, letterboxes, keyholes, etc. Close curtains to keep heat in at night. Put an insulating jacket around your hot water tank.
4) Watch Your Washing
Fill up your washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher: one full load uses less energy than two half loads. Use cooler settings to wash your clothes and dishes. Modern washing powders work just as well at lower temperatures and most clothes can be washed successfully at 30 degrees C. Whenever you can, turn off your tumble dryer and hang your clothes outside to dry.
5) Boil Only What You Need
Only boil as much water as you need in a kettle. Jug kettles tend to be more efficient. Cover pans when boiling water to speed up the process and reduce heat wastage.
6) Use Energy Efficient Appliances
Consider energy efficient models when you next have to change or buy a home appliance. Consider installing a tankless water heater, they heat water on demand so no stored water needs to be continuously heated. Avoid products that come with excess packaging especially molded plastic and other products that can't be recycled.
7) Use Energy Saving Light Bulbs
They last 10 times longer than regular bulbs. Using more energy efficient light bulbs reduces the amount of energy used by the light bulbs, saving you A LOT on your electric bill in the long run. The LED method of producing light loses far less energy to heat than do other lighting technologies.
8) Stop Drips and Use Less Water

9) Use the Natural Resources
Let the sun be your guide. In winter or during cooler weather during the day open drapes and blinds to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home and close them at night to avoid any chill from the cold windows. In summer or during warm weather, close drapes or blinds to keep it cooler.
10) Think Quirky!
Utilize ceiling fans. Running fans in reverse very slowly in the winter will circulate warm air down around a room. Check the arrangement of your furniture over vents or a baseboard radiator, which decrease the efficiency of the units.
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